17. July, 2021 | 12:00 – 23:59
Saturday July 17th
12.00 | Nikolai 26 | Award ceremony (by invitations only)
The ceremony will be aired on ETV2 at 21.30.
14.00 | Nikolai 26 | Nominees for the Best Estonian Doc:
ANU RAUD. THE HERITAGE by Erle Veber, 74′
The present is the legacy of the past. The future is the legacy of the present. Textile artist Anu Raud enjoys her life at Kaariku, the farm of her grandpa. She has never thought of demolishing anything. Anu likes small things – they just fit in countryside. She longs to see small roads and villages. But her work – the blankets -is measurelessly bigger than the story of one person and his/her place of home. That is where we are encountered by the ancient dream of Estonians, to be the creators of our landscape, language and national culture.
16.00 | Nikolai 26 | Nominees for the Best Estonian Doc:
THE BEAUTY OF BEING by Jaan Tootsen, 64′
A documentary about fruitful idling. Ia praise of la Joicefar niente. A hymn for living slowly. Meandering along nature’s secret trails, gazing at clouds passing by, for hours on end, and falling into the sweet embrace of smoke from a campfire, we leave city noise and eco nomic growth far, far behind. As the philosopher Fred Jussi puts it: sometimes you just have to be sinfully slothful, and all by yourself.
17.30 | Nikolai 26 | Nominees for the Best Estonian Doc:
WOMEN ON THE FRONTLINE by Ivar Heinmaa, Ukraine/Estonia, 55′
At 5 P.M. the Red Cross and OSCE observers leave the frontline and fighters behind. Hypocrisy, takes over and this is where the story of Ukrainian women, which kicked off on the Maidan Square in K.yiv seven years ago, begins. The doc is filled with heartache and hatred, breakdown of love, wrong decisions, and yet a hope for a new life.
18.30 | Nikolai 26 | Docs for kids:
MEET RAMON by Pilar Aldirico, Argentina/Uruguay, 4′
Little Ramon, a fur seal pup, was rescued from an oil spill with just a few days old. He was adopted by Richard, the owner of a marine wildlife rescue center who takes care of him as his dad. His new brothers and sisters are many other animals that also carry plastic and garbage issues. Ramon will grow up and return home someday. Which ocean are we leaving to him?
A LITTLE BIT OF PARADISE by Andrzej Cichocki, Poland, 19′
A documentary story from the borderlands of realism and fairy tale. In an out-of-the-way corner of a metropolis, a Silesian family share moments from their lives, which are inextricably bound up with the nature around them.
EATING AN ELEPHANT by Julia Saponova, Russia, 65′
Masha’s challenge is to become an actress. She has a Down syndrome and she is shy. But a dream can push a person into amazing deeds. She goes to a theatrical school of children with the same syndrome, where everyone learns not only to play on stage, but passes a real test of courage, generosity and perseverance.
19.00 | at the Museum of Manija Island| Award-winning film parade and evening with laureates
20.00 | Nikolai 26 | Mosaic- and Music Docs:
THE DANCE OF THE WORLDS by JJ Machuca, Spain, 71′
A film that moves between the visual and the sound to contemplate the beauty and the dance of nature in a very special way. Without dialogue or voice-over, the combination of images and music completely immerses us in the forms, textures and movement of the elements of all imaginable worlds.
22.00 | Nikolai 26 |Holy Night Doc:
OLD RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHANTS by Filipp Orlyansky, Russia, 90′
23.00 | ETV2 | A MAN AND A CAMERA by Guido Hendrikx
Movie trailer: https://cineuropa.org/en/video/rdid/401711/
A playful doc by an author who is hiding behind his camera, creating a portrait of a Dutch people as curious and warm individuals. To open his protagonists, Guido Hendrix uses a kind of key no filmmaker has ever used before. Let’s be curious as well and see where the author would reach with his camera.