15. July, 2021 | 11:00 – 23:00
Thursday July 15th
11.00 | Nikolai 26 | Student and Debute Docs
THE FABRIC by Iman Behrouzi, Iran/Germany, 14′
The renovations of our university dorm were left un finished because of the lockdown in Germany, and the thick fabric around the building remained in place. During the lockdown, the 367 of us in this 25 storey building could barely see the world outside through the tiny holes of thick fabric.
NO BODY by Mihnea Rares Hantiu, Romania, 11′
A dramatic story about a man who seeks the body of his son who has drowned in a river.
TELL ME MORE by Martyna Peszko, Poland, 28′
Barbara (67) has been suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis for five years. She is bedridden. Once a year, when Barbara’s husband goes on vacation, her daughter Martyna (36) cooks, feeds, cleans and nurses her mother. Barbara is only able to communicate by moving her eyes. She looks left for «yes» and right for «no». Letter after letter Martyna deciphers words, sentences, and meanings. They both long very much for those conversations sensing that the end is near.
COMET by Adam Buka, Poland, 18′
The intimate world of five siblings from the Warsaw block of flats. Life filled with fairy tales, kids’ daily routine, cherry pit spitting on the balcony. Impatient awaiting the new family member. A story narrated from the child’s point of view illustrates the value of parental love, focusing especially on the stage of growing up when mom is the center of the child’s universe.
WEEKEND WARRIORS by Ahmed Fouad Ragab, Estonia/Egypt, 10′
Student film of Baltic Media and Film School about the attitude towards the border town of European Union of Estonians and Russians who live in N arva.
PLAYGROUND by Jorge de la Brena, Estonia, 14′
BMF school’s student doc about the past, present and future of the workers’ district on Kopli Peninsula in Tallinn. There was a time, when after closing down industries in the area, mostly cast-offs lived in abandoned houses and it was dangerous to move about there. Now, there are new luxurious apartment houses are rising- a totally new playground.
RIKSU by Rain Järv, Janne Vasarainen, Estonia, 17′
A portrait of Richard who is called Riksu, who has all the roads open in front of him and hasn’t found his real challenge yet. Anyway, he is a very creative yo ung man, just like the authors of the documentary.
OLEVIK by Johan Huimerind, Estonia, 13′
During the period of distance we meet Olevik, for whom being alone is feria. Nature, silence and noise, creation and the person himself who is surrounded by all of that.
THE LISTENER by Kristiina Iilane, Estonia, 13′
Once the answers stop containing words, one must use other ways for communication. While living together with 6 horses, listening has gained a new meaning for Elerin.
WHERE THE LINDEN GROWS by Katariina Aule, Estonia, 15′
Through daily life and chores, a mother passes on her family heritage to her daughter.
18.00 | Nikolai 26 |Short Docs:
Filmilooja püüab kommunikeeruda lammastega, kes elavad tema vanemate haudadel.
BLUE FRONTIER by Ivan Milosavljević, Serbia, 20′
An old fisherman from the border has spent his entire life searching for the biggest fish that the blue Danube hides. He attempts to lure the river giant in an ancient fishing way by clapping on the river surface with a hand-carved piece of wood. Two rivals – one on the surface of the water and the other concealed within the depths of the mighty river are waiting to finally meet.
TURNING MAN – 81RPM by Robin Trouillet, Germany, 14′
Jurgen Leppert, also known as !! «Der Dreher» or «der Kreisel» is a graduate engineer, speaker inventor, 360 degree dancer, gifted Frisbee player and thoroughbred 68er. He still swims against the stream and his 81 years is far from too old for hard raves.
GAME by Roman Hodel, Switzerland, 17′
A whistle. The stands of the stadium get loud. The players protest angrily. The presenters follow the action on the field. In the middle of it, the referee. The whole stadium watches him. Now he has to decide and direct the energy of an entire stadium.
The short essay film is an artistic documentation of aesthetic swarm intelligence. The film maker suspects that starlings do their meditative round flight just for his camera. Is it an artistic performance or biological statement of birds?
19.30 | Nikolai 26 | Nominated for Estonian Peoples Award:
LATVIAN COYOTE by Ivars Zviedris, Latvia, 69′
Right on Latvian-Russian border, cast-offs make a living of human trafficking. How much is there to do with challenge if the target is to help refugees from Vietnam to enter secretly the European Union?
21.00 | Nikolai 26 |Scientific Docs:
DEEPFAKE THERAPY by Roshan Nejal, Holland, 24′
This documentary shows the very first experiment ever done in the process of grief in which bereaved family members are having an artificial video conversation with their deceased loved ones through the use of new digital techniques.
PEOPLE WE COME ACROSS by Mia Halme, Finland, 80′
Anu Kantele, a doctor of tropical diseases, is leading a diarrhea vaccine study that could save the lives of millions of children. When 700 helpful Finnish tourists test the vaccine, it is a start of a unique holiday trip in the tropics. A film about helping and humane encounters
21.30 | ETV2 |Nominated for Estonian Peoples Award:
THE WHALE FROM LORINO by Maciej Cuske, Poland/Russia, 52′| 622 9954
Epic documentary is shot on the shore of the Pacific Ocean in Lorino village which has been abandoned by the Soviet power as well as the Eskimos. In Chukchi language, Lorino means ‘the found village’. The tradition of the Eskimos, whalehunting has been taken over by newcomers who with their cold-blooded adroitness are no less than their predecessors.