Koguperefilm Kihnu saare laste elust, milles Mark Soosaar jälgib Kase Kaid ja tema venda Jakobit ning naabripoissi Nurmiku Kennarit nelja aasta jooksul. Kuna nende kolme lapse ja ka mitmete teistegi vanemad töötavad mandril või välismaal, siis peavad noored kodus ise toime tulema. Laste tegemiste taustal kerkivad pinnale saareelu toimimist ja paljusid peresid puudutavad küsimused – kas jääda kodusaarele või otsida õnne mujal, ehk isegi piiri taga? Ning kas need, kes saarele pidama jäävad, suudavad esivanemate keelt ning traditsioone elus hoida?
Silt: <span>Pärnu Filmifestivali Suvekava Viljandimaal</span>
As a child, Marie-Pascale began to make a raucous sound. As a young adult, she discovers that this voice can be the instrument of katajjaq, or Inuit throat singing.
On a sunny day in November 1938 a magnificent white schooner set sail from Greenwich
Some kids who are great circus artists can be found in the magnificent landscapes of Ethiopia
The last peasant of a family has died and with him, all wisdom to till the soil has been lost.
The living classic of Dutch film art Heddy Honigmann digs into friendship between humans and dogs in situations where animal helps a blind person find her way or a puerile grownup to act smartly.
There aren’t newsboys or posters announcing their arrival, just a road along which several characters, including a wading bird, come into the field.
In 1917, Finnish explorer Sakari Pälsi travelled to Northeastern Siberia carrying a cinematograph and 13,000 feet of film with him
Andrzej Strumiłło, a ninety-year-old outstanding Polish artist, lives in a small village surrounded by beautiful nature.
After 30 years of working in Sweden, orthopedic surgeon Erik Erichsen has had enough of all the regulations, the waiting lists and the red tape that make his work almost impossible.
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