XXXVI PÄRNU FILMIFESTIVAL TULEB KÜLLA Kondase Keskuses Viljandis 08.07 kell 18 JAHT ODD NERDRUMILE, esimene osa, VALEL MAAL SÜNDINUD, autor Bork Nerdrum, Norra, 41′ MEMOROSA ORDU, autor Bork Nerdrum, Norra, 70′ 09.07. kell 18 IGAVIKU FLORIAN, autor Oleksiy Radynskii, Ukraina, 70′ PÕHJUS HÜPATA, autor Jerry Rothwell, UK/USA, 82’ ...
Rubriik: <span>Uudised</span>
AWARDS OF THE XXXVI PÄRNU FILM FESTIVAL Estonian People's Award voted by TV-audience TALES OF A TOY HORSE by Ulyana Osovska, Denis Strashnyi, Ukraine-Estonia Grand Prize of the festival for the the best artistic achievement – THE WAKEFUL SLEEPER, Boris Van der Avoort, Belgium The best doc on survival of indigenous peoples SURVIVING...
XXXVI Pärnu Filmifestivali kava
THE XXXVI PÄRNU FILM FESTIVAL in the Festival Palace, Nikolai Str 26 Monday, June 27th 18.00 Opening of the festival EARTH by A. Dovženko, Ukraine (1930), 75’ 19.15 Presentation of guests, greetings 19.30 TALES OF A TOY HORSE by Ulyana Osovska, Denis Strashnyi, Ukraine-Estonia, 72' 21.00 THE HUNT OF ODD NERDRUM, 1.episode BORN IN THE WRONG...
XXXVI Pärnu Filmifestivali kataloog
THE SCIENCE WORK OR A MASTERPIECE OF ART? XXXV PÄRNU FILM FESTIVAL AT THE ESTONIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES in Tallinn, Kohtu Str 6 Estimated program December 4, 2021 12.00.Rescue of disappeared languages LAST WORDS by Koert Davidse, The Netherlands / Greece / Turkey 29 ‘ RUNÖ by Theodor Luts with a commentary in Runö language,...
XXXV Pärnu Filmifestivali Auhinnad
AWARDS OF THE XXXV PÄRNU FILM FESTIVAL Estonian People’s Award voted by TV-audience THE SCHOOL OF HOPE by Mohamed El Aboudi, Morocco/Finland Grand Prize of the festival for the the best artistic achievement A MAN AND A CAMERA by Guido Hendrikx, Holland The best Estonian doc The BEAUTY OF BEING by Jaan Tootsen The...
Kuut filmi saab vaadata Rahvusringhäälingu portaalist
6 films will be screened 12.-16.07. also on Estonian National TV -ETV2 every night at 21.30. Help your favorite film to win the Estonian People’s Award! Five competition films can be watched on the National Broadcasting portal Voting ends on Saturday, July 17 at 12.00. July 12th 21.30 THE...
We are proud to announce that our XXXV festival will take place as scheduled
Dear friends of Pärnu Film Festival! We are proud to announce that our XXXV festival will take place as scheduled – during the second and the third full week in July. We’ll screen docs in Pärnu from July 12th through July 18th. From July 19th through July 25th, the awarded docs will be shown in...
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